CheonShim Won LA Important Information

LAFC CheonShim Won Open Daily!

Thank You & Important Details

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you so much for joining us on Sunday for the opening of the LAFC CheonShim Won Prayer Hall!

Consider reading this recent article written by Family Fed:

As many of you have already experienced, this location is truly special and God's spirit and voice can be felt so deeply. Therefore, please be encouraged to continue offering devotion at the Hall throughout the week!

For reference, the official schedule for the CheonShim Won will be:

  • Monday - Friday 6 AM - 6 PM

  • Saturday 6 AM - 8 PM

  • Sunday 6 AM - 2 PM


Lastly, in order to access the Hall during the day, we have set up a coded lock. The lock code is 1943. We have also installed a security camera where we have a team of people watching the room at all times.

Again, thank you so much, and God Bless You!


Joshua & Takayo Holmes

Co-Pastors, LAFC

Thank you.