Unification Will Be Accomplished by True Love

Happy Holidays!

As we are all excited toward the special weekend during this holiday season - "Revival Starts With Me" Rally on Dec. 16 at City of Refuge, and "Int'l Celebration of Christmas" on Dec. 17 at Old World Village, some thoughts may arise in your mind. "Why we have rally for North and South Korea unification?" "How it is possible?" We invite you to read the message by Rev. Sun Myung Moon in 2000, titled "World Unification and North-South Unification Will Be Accomplished by True Love". Here is an excerpt:


"...Once North-South unification is accomplished in Korea, the unification of the world will follow automatically. Do you think that political power, military force, or economic wealth can bring about unification? There isn't even the slightest chance of this. That is the reason I am speaking to you in this way. Can weapons, wealth, or knowledge do away with rotten philosophies? No, they cannot. Only true love can do this. This love is love that comes from God. When a person enters into a relationship of true love with God, he or she is absolutely given special authority to have dominion, ownership, and the right of inheritance. In the world of mechanics, the energy produced is less than the energy put into a system. However, in the world of true love, greater energy is produced than is put in. What is true love? It is love that lives for the sake of others. It is love of unlimited giving and forgetting..."

To read the full speech, visit: http://www.unification.net/2000/20000210.html

Thank you.

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