Updates on Rally of Hope

Let us be a part of Rally of Hope

August 8th in the USA @6pm Pacific Time

Let us be a part of the Rally of Hope for One Million people worldwide by (1) Claiming Your Seat, and (2) Inviting Guests and Tribe members and let the HQ know. Here is how:

(1) Claim Your Seat by going to: https://rallyofhope.us/, click the red button “SAVE MY SEAT” ( It is an individual registration. Upon registering, you will receive updates and live broadcast link from the Rally to your email.)

(2) Invite guests and Tribe members and let USA HQ know by submitting the list. (America set a goal of 100,000 participants toward 1 million worldwide.) Please go to: https://airtable.com/shrmsbQn39wtcEVIY


Website of the Rally of Hope: https://rallyofhope.us/ (English & Spanish)

Thank you.

LA Family Church